What are the risks of teenagers in society?

Are there risks teenagers run by?

Yes. Teenagers are passing by many risks at those ages. Mostly because of their emotional changes. 

The first one is social media, social media can be dangerous too. Teenagers are very worried about what others think about them, and they are worried about how many likes they have and how many people have seen their post, they get angry. That mostly happens because they have low self-steem, because in home they maybe have not so many attention and teenagers search for them in other parts, like Social Media. And the other risks they run in social media is for girls. Old men can write to teenager girls, like they are going to be their friends. Their costume is a teenager girl, maybe 15, 13, or 12 years old. Then they can say:

Hey! I have 2 tickets for the concert. Would you like to go?

And they then rapt girls, maybe they can hurt them.


Have you heard about ana and mia?

They are very common disorders of eating. Anorexia and bulimia are ana and mia. That # is used in social media. Here is a video that explains how serious that can be.
Anorexia is about when you see yourself in the mirror and see you fat even when you aren’t. That is why you stop eating to “find the perfect contexture. Like princess. Bulimia is when you eat and don’t wanna see fat so everything you eat, you vomit it. Those disorders are very very bad. That mostly happens to teenagers girls, it is the third most common illness in them behind obesity and asm. Even this disorder is most commonly in teenagers, kids from 6 to 9 years are starting to have it, and modified their way of eating 50% in girls and 30% boys.
Some kindergarten kids also don’t like being fat, they overestimate their weight and put their fingers into their mouths to vomit.

Here is a video from Orange España, that tells you the trully history of a princess that didn't ate nothing. This video is called: Princess doesn't eat.

Source: https://www.bbc.com/mundo/noticias/2011/07/101217_trastornos_alimentarios_bulimia_anorexia_jp

Written by: Daniela S.
